Dr. Trixie

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About me

Occupation Conjurer, two-headed doctor, rootworker, herbalist, dreamwalker
Location United States
Introduction I grew up with an odd mix of PA Dutch, Appalachian&Ozark, southern, Catholic, and Christian folk magics. Powwow, granny magic, conjure, herbalism, rootwork, and hoodoo are just a few of the names for them. Born gifted, I began studying the occult when I was only 7, voraciously tearing through every book in the library, trying to make sense of my world. I've been studying and searching ever since. There's so much bad, wrong, and even intentionally misleading information online when it comes to conjure. I just want to share my knowledge and shed some light around, preserving what I can so it doesn't become erased by marketers and cultural thieves.

Q: Why are you called Dr. Trixie? In conjure, the title of "doctor" is traditionally reserved for males. But as someone with a co-gendered/gender fluid spirit, the combination of male title and female name is the best fit for me. Unlike many self-styled online "two-headed doctors", I'm proficient in both folk magic and folk medicine.