Nicholas Reid

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About me

Location Auckland, New Zealand
Introduction Critic, reviewer, poet, historian, academic and haunter of second-hand bookshops, Nicholas Reid for thirty years was film-reviewer on such publications as the Auckland Star, More and North and South magazines, as well as scripting and fronting review programmes on radio and television. His book A Decade of New Zealand Film was the first full-length published study of New Zealand’s revived film industry. His continuing career as book reviewer and critic is longer than his film-reviewing career. He features regularly in the New Zealand Listener, Metro, Landfall, New Zealand Books and the Sunday Star-Times. He writes programme notes for Opera New Zealand and has guest-edited Poetry New Zealand. Dr Reid holds Masters degrees in English and French literature and in Theology. His Doctorate is in History. He is the author of two biographies and three works of social history, including James Michael Liston – a Life (VUP 2006) and The University of Auckland – The First 125 Years (AUP 2008). His collection of poetry The Little Enemy was published by Steele Roberts in 2011.