Ed Kleban

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About me

Introduction Somewhere along the way we lost The Idea. I know. The Idea rocks the boat. So it doesn’t play well in groupthink meetings. It makes people a little uncomfortable. The Idea can mean changes in operations, in messaging, in staffing. The Idea is difficult, and most people prefer to concentrate on things that are easy. So I stand in defense of The Idea. I speak for The Idea, because it doesn’t speak for itself. It’s too busy making people advocate for brands, creating communities of people who feel special because of their purchases, and paying long-term dividends to companies that welcome it to the table. The Idea works long after you’ve gone home for the weekend and stands up for you when your competition sticks their nose in your business. It recruits you the best talent and allows you premium pricing. There will always be value in the clear, concise and true connection between a person and a product or service. That’s why I believe in and will steadfastly defend The Idea.