Creative Chaos Art
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- explorerwithoutthedora
- The Giraffe's Hat
- "Because Everyone Likes to Bake :)"
- ....and Spiritually Speaking
- A broken bendy bat thing
- A Chick w/ Sticks
- a little gray
- A sweet treat or two
- According to Matt...
- alisaburke
- amylawrencedesigns
- Annemarie's Haakblog
- Annie Get Your Glue Gun
- art - social dysfunction celebrated as ritual
- Bakingdom
- Being Jaz.
- Below the line
- Ben's artblog
- Booty-full Things
- Broken Wings
- Bubble and Sweet
- CakeJournal
- cally jane studio
- Caris Adel
- charlaanne
- Charlotte Sometimes
- Charlotte Sometimes - Creative
- Cherry Heart Blog
- chlay
- Chloe's Baking Blog
- Chocolate Moosey
- Chris Shopland Illustration
- Circle of Pine Trees
- Clares Cards
- clinically fed up
- Colossal
- Cosmetics Contessa
- Craft Notes
- Craft Schmaft
- crafting knowledge
- Crafty Little Me - Critchley Creations
- Created by Diane
- Creating my way to Success
- Creative Chaos Art
- Crochet Addict UK
- crochetlatte
- Cuddle Bug Kids
- Daisies, Sugar and Buttercups
- Dear Fireflies
- Delicious Delicious Delicious
- Dennis Spicer Artworks
- Derek's Diary
- Desert Wisdom | Technology at its Best
- Desert Wisdom: Tech at its Best
- Designed by Dawn Nicole
- Diapers and Daisies
- direction in imperfection
- Divinest Sense
- DK Designs
- Dorothy's Shoes
- drummbellina
- Eating for England
- Edd Kimber | The Boy Who Bakes
- Elfie's Edibles
- Ever So Juliet | Edinburgh lifestyle blog
- Felt Original Toys!
- Feminine Wear
- Finding my way back to my dreams
- Fine Arts Journal
- Flame CCR
- flour on her nose
- flutterby ros - Gastroparesis and being 18
- For the Restless
- Forty Weeks
- Freckled Nest
- G Bakes!
- Glorious Treats
- Good Women Project
- Greyhound in a China Shop
- Handmade Wardrobe
- Hannface
- Happiness is a Book
- Happy, smiley and chronically ill
- Hayley Parfitt
- He's Mommy's Little Monster
- Head Like an Orange
- Heaven is a Cupcake
- Heavenly Handmades
- Hivenn
- Holy Experience
- Home
- hope it rains
- Hope Overture
- How Joyful
- If clay had lips… | Reflections of a broken pot. Perceptions of God and life.
- if ever i stray
- If theres a hole in your heart, you've got to pull it together
- It's Overflowing | Simply Inspired Home Living
- Jacob Cockle Photography
- Jasmines Crafts
- Jaymes Downer
- Jenny Blair
- Jexxy - Me with M.E
- Jo's Blue AGA
- Julia Crossland Art - the online guidebook for living a creative life
- julia crossland ~ artist
- Just Winging It
- Justin Zoradi Blog
- Karen Edwards Creations
- KawaiiFreakxXx
- Kelsey and the Brightside :)
- Kimbles At Home
- Knick Knacks and Krafts
- kristin.
- Laura westby
- laurennicolelove
- Layers of Love
- Let's Do It for ME!
- Life As A Disabled Couple
- Life Within Walls
- Life's like an hourglass glued to the table
- Lila Loa
- LindyLaine Crafts
- Little Cotton Rabbits
- Little People - a tiny street art project
- Live As If You're Dreaming
- Liverpool Printmakers
- liza jane sews
- Lola Nova Upcycling
- Louie's Loops
- Love The Blue Bird
- Love-Laugh-Read
- Lucy in the Clouds
- LucyRavenscar - Crochet Creatures
- Made in K-town
- Made With Pink
- Make it Mad
- Mama.Mommy.Mom.
- MamaDeanoMusings
- marie's cuisine
- marie's making
- Mattias Inks
- Max California
- Maybe Matilda
- me and my world
- Me Sew Crazy
- Messy Canvas
- Modern Reject
- Mokkasin -
- Mrs runof themills blogspot
- My Crafty Life
- News from Luna Wolf
- Nimble Fingers and Steady Eyebrows
- NK
- no big dill
- Not So Granny
- On The Glitter Way Road
- One Month Before Heartbreak
- Ooh... sparkly
- our creative spaces
- P.s never give up. :)
- paint under my nails
- Paint Under My Nails
- Paper Tiaras
- Pictures that say a thousand words
- Pink Milk
- Poetry and Math
- PostRejects
- Prebeau UK
- Preheat the oven
- Project 1001
- Project <em> Sewn</em>
- Project Run and Play
- PSD: Photoshop Disasters
- Queen of Turquoise
- rachel's cateringg.
- Random Wooliness
- raspberri cupcakes
- Recipes from a Normal Mum
- Retired and loving it
- rowrowyourboat
- Running With Scissors
- Sally's
- Sammy's Scrappy Craft Blog
- see kate sew
- Sew country chick: DIY and couture sewing
- Shoebox
- Simple Simon and Company
- Single Dad Laughing
- sisters
- sixty one A
- Slugs on the Refrigerator
- small things
- smile like you mean it.
- snottydog
- So Geek Chic
- sophieee
- Squiblet
- Stolen Moments
- SukiSuki
- Sweet Verbena
- Tall N Curly
- Tami's Amis and Other Creations
- tangled happy
- TECHknitting
- ThatSizGirl's Blog
- the 3rd birth of moschops
- The Alchemist
- The Box Ticker
- The Broken Of Britain
- The Crochet Boulevard
- the eternal thread
- The Funny Side of ME
- the gluttonous vegan loves YOU
- The Kathryn Wheel
- The life of a crochet designer
- The Magic Onions :: A Waldorf Inspired Blog
- The Owl Oddity | The Owl Oddity
- The Pink Whisk
- The Purl Bee
- the reading corner
- The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle
- The Thriftiness Miss
- The Views of a Shopaholic
- The Visible Invisibility Project
- The Wonderings of Wibble
- Threading My Way
- Time To Cook - Online
- tinytimtams
- unchained faith
- Village Voices » my creative space
- Watecolors in the Rain
- Watercolour Illustrations - Holly Exley Illustrator
- Wendy Annabeth
- What Pretty Phalanges
- Whisk Kid
- Wild Goose ARTventures
- Wirral Wildlife Blog
- words from fiona's brain
- Writing and me
- Yasmin Limbert
- You were created to love and be loved
- ~ Dly's Hooks and Yarns ~
Gender | Female |
Industry | Arts |
Introduction | I’m Helen and I’m the artist behind Creative Chaos Art. Although suffering from ME/CFS, I channel the energy I have into developing myself as an artist. My main focuses are painting and photography; though I also love mixed media, cardmaking, craft and crochet... OK, anything creative! |