Gayle Garton

About me

Introduction A native Floridian, Gayle Garton loved the Mayberry feel of Miami Springs when she was growing up. While the pace of South Florida today is a bit faster, she loves the excitement of the year-round sunshine and cultural diversity. Happily, Gayle has never had to leave the community she loves. Since beginning her radio career in the early 80's, she's worked at South Florida legends like 96X and WNWS, settling in for the long-term at 101.5 LITE FM. With a job description that encompasses hosting the midday program and serving as the station's Music Director, relaxing is a priority for Gayle when she's not at work. She has no qualms about letting the chefs at Nami or Romano's Macaroni Grill do the cooking for her, and feels no guilt about spending Sundays catching up on the week's 'Oprah' shows. Not to worry--the call of music, writing and sharing information with her audience always brings her back to the microphone each Monday to share another work week with you.