Daniel Edelstein, M.S.

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Environment
Occupation Avian Biologist, Certified Wildlife Biologist Asc., Ornithological Instructor (Merritt College, Oakland, CA)
Location Novato, CA, United States
Introduction Above, Consulting/Freelance Avian Biologist and Certified Wildlife Biologist Asc. Daniel Edelstein riding an ATV while conducting raptor surveys at a proposed wind energy turbine site in the Wilson Range of Nevada. Feel free to view his resume at warblerwatch.com where you can also review his "Birding Tours" options where he regularly leads year-round birding forays for individuals and groups to view common and rare bird species in the San Francisco Bay area, the Sierra Nevada mountains, the Monterey/Big Sur coast, and the Midwest (primarily, Wisconsin). Contact him at danieledelstein@att.net Conducting field surveys since 1985 for common & special-status bird, mammal, amphibian, & reptile species (in addition to common plant species), Daniel performs diverse consulting roles related to biological, regulatory, and permitting elements. His status as a Certified Wildlife Biologist Associate (warblerwatch.com) includes earning a M.S. in Natural Resources in 1985. His permits: USFWS Endangered Species Recovery Permit for Ridgway's Rail, California Red-legged Frog, and California Tiger Salamander (TE101743-0). His resume is present at warblerwatch.com
Favorite Music Classic Jazz Era, Big Band Swing Era (1920s - ~1946)
Favorite Books The Warbler Field Guide (Tom Stephenson & Scott Whittle), The Bird Bander's Guide (Vol. 1 & 2) (Peter Pyle), Sibley's Guide to the Birds (David Sibley), Warblers (Jon Dunn & Kimball Garrett), Warblers of America (Ludlow Griscom & Alexander Sprunt), Breeding Birds of Marin County (Dave Shuford), Guide to the Birds of Door County (Willard A. Hartman, Barbara Stover, Charlotte Lukes, and Susan Peterson). In addition, The Fifth Risk (Michael Lewis), The Rise & Fall Of The Great Lakes (Dan Egan)