
Blogs I follow

About me

Occupation maker-of-things
Location Oberlin, OH
Introduction I make a mean peach pie in the summer time. see also: accumulated ephemera
Interests embodiment, design, button down shirts, found objects, temporality, attractive yet illegible penmanship, cooking, kindness, mountains, anything old, art, bits of thread, connecting theory to practice, book binding & hand papermaking, Lake Michigan, traveling, early morning sunlight
Favorite Movies Harold and Maude, By Hook or By Crook, Annie Hall, Casablanca, It Happened One Night, In July
Favorite Music Nick Drake, Leonard Cohen, Yo La Tengo, Defiance, Ohio, Ghost Mice, Feist, M. Ward, Breathe Owl Breathe, The Black Keys, Mountain Goats, The Arcade Fire, Josh Ritter, My Bloody Valentine, Neil Young, Pavement, Grizzly Bear, The Velvet Underground, Islands, Neutral Milk Hotel, Andrew Bird, Elliott Smith, Vetiver, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Neko Case, Johnny Cash, Islands, Animal Collective, Devendra Banhart, Paul Baribeau
Favorite Books bell hooks, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Audre Lorde, Eileen Myles, Amy Lowell, William Carlos Williams, Garcia Lorca, Michel Foucault, Kenneth Rexroth, Willa Cather