My blogs
- Lelles smukumlietas
- Handmade crocheted clothes for fashion dolls Barbie and Blythe, crocheted flower appliques
- Līvānu pensionāri
- No visa pa druskai
Blogs I follow
- A New Day!
- Adorably Kawaii
- Adventures with Buster
- AmysBodyDecor
- AshleysHomeSpun
- Barbie's Shopping Bag
- Blissful Art Fire Friends
- Blue Wave Glass
- bluetina
- Bramble and Burdock
- By Your Hands
- camp and quarry: making stuff and doing things in the pacific northwest
- Cathie Richardson Illustration
- cctexan3 : Jewelry for a Cause
- Cherilynn Wood Fine Art
- Clearwater Creations
- Creations By CC
- CreativeCritters Blog
- Daily Ramblings
- Dandelions and Lace
- Dinkalulu Silicone Molds
- Dramatique Designs
- Eclectic Technique
- Etsy Giveaways
- Family Crafts and Recipes
- Family Stitchery
- Fantasy Clay
- finding fullness
- Fools and Jewels
- Foto Freebies
- Giani's Gems
- Glass and Wire Gems
- Grammie's Krafty Kabana
- Greetings from PrettyGonzo
- Handmade Exceptionalist
- Heart and Home
- Homework My Dog Didn't Eat
- Honkus Grogana
- Indie Sista's
- Inlet Images
- Inspirational Beading
- Inspired Pink
- It's A Handmade World
- Jazzy Jemz
- Kokona Moon
- Laura Johnson
- Life, craftiness and everything else
- Louise Knits
- Micaela
- MinnaH's Miniatures
- Moonchild Dolls
- mv
- My world through photography
- Nana G's Creations
- Nature Manipulated - visual and wearable art
- New World Vibration
- News and Views from Prince Edward Island, Canada
- Nightmaiden Designs
- Noveenna
- Paasch E Pottery
- Paintings and Ceramic Sculptures by Dottie Dracos
- Pearson StudiOCD; obsessive creative disorder
- Penny Fabric Art
- Picard Creative
- Quirky Dame's Art Blog
- Risky Beads
- Sew the Day
- shymouseecrafts
- Silver Haunt
- Soap Deli News
- Stitches by Kryss
- Stitchin' Bints
- Stitchin' Skilly
- Susan's Scrapbook Shack
- T and C Bakery
- Tak Unique Designs
- Teacups and Teddies
- Team Discovery - Hidden Talent Uncovered
- The Bead Stylist: <br>It's All About The Beads!
- The Faerie Factorie
- The Frog Bag
- The Holistic Diva
- The life I live
- Thyme2dream Fairy Jewelry
- Treasury Challenge NonTeam
- Uga Buga Bowls
- Valg Studio
- You Can Sell It
- ~* Auroras Garden *~
Gender | Female |
Location | Riga, Latvia |
Introduction | I'm crochet addicted girl. I make crocheted appliques and doll clothes. Find me at: |