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Gender Female
Industry Construction
Occupation Project Controls
Introduction Hey Ya'll! I have decided to be brave and post my life long issues with loving myself. I have been chubsy ubsy my whole life, with a few brief (and I mean very brief) stints as being "just a little pudgy". Well, after years of secret self loathing with a dash of denial, I have decided to love myself and get up off my very well padded butt to do something about it, and just to make sure I mean it, I decided to share it with strangers. Nuts? Yes, thank you... Anyway, I have always been THAT girl that relates everything in her life to what she weighs or what size she is in. Name any big moment in my life and I can tell you how happy I was based on what the scale said that day. Sad, sad reality, but true nonetheless. If I had a dollar for every "you would be beautiful if...” or "she has a pretty face and a good personality" I would have had lipo by now :). Big things are happening in my life, and I decided for once and for all my life was not going to be dictated by my weight. So this is a journal so to speak of losing it, without completely losing it (if you catch my drift)…