F A L T 0

About me

Industry Museums or Libraries
Occupation I'm a Peacenik
Location Iceland
Introduction THE BAND Kim Jong-su experiments with the sound of every genre but generally stick to the root of being ecclectic + eastern as sprawled all over the album; starting from the name, the photo for the album cover taken from an Azerbaijan roadtrip (a few years back when the frontwoman: FALT0 was religiously following a UNICEF mission) and the songs which they hoped to be a hit among Westerners namely Oh Dilnoza (a song for a gorgeous Uzbek girl who the turntablist: DJ Amora had a major fling with while studying in IIU Malaysia), Para-Para Super Saiya (a song for toddlers of all races by Kim Jong-su's bassist: Wonderblah because we love kids and never want to forget being one) and Obama-Rama vs Genghis Khan (a tribute to you-know-em-dudes). So come and check out Kim Jong-su for our semi-live performance on stage at Disco Doot Dang, Gorontalo, Indonesia on the 1st of April of every freaking year (excluding leap years). Hurrah!
Favorite Movies There Were Blood
Favorite Music Acid and Alkaline Jazz
Favorite Books Reality-based and enlightening to the mind + spirit

What's the most amount of sand you've ever had in your swimming trunks?

Nought. Homo sapiens does not wear swimming trunks (you may use your imagination)