My blogs
Blogs I follow
- The Journaling Gina
- Sarah
- "AccordingtotheBook"
- "Mich"
- *Terra Garden*
- .
- 100th Lamb
- 2 Thinks...
- 365 Ways...
- ::Spejory::
- <i>Designer's Original </i>
- A Baby Changes Everything
- A Heart for Words
- A Look at Life from a Deerstand
- A Soul Less Broken
- A Treasure Garden of Thoughts, Quotes &amp; Words
- A.R.K. for God
- Abiding Branch
- Addicted To Romance
- Alice's Bucket List
- All Gods Creatures
- All the Mus
- An American Dreamer
- An Instrument 4 His Glory
- Another Gray Day
- Apples of Gold
- Arise 2 Write
- At His Feet
- Autumn Read...
- Being Woven
- bentleyboutique.com
- Between the Black and White
- Billy Coffey
- Bitter Sweet Moments
- Blessed Adventures
- Blest Atheist
- Blushing Rose
- Bookend Diaries
- Chatty Kelly...Sometimes Teaching, Always Learning
- Chef in Training
- Chocolate Covered Daydreams
- Choose Joy in the Journey
- Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
- Clay in GOD's Hands
- CMash Reads
- come sit by my fire
- Confessions of a Bookaholic
- Contentment Corner
- Cook Scrap Craft
- Country Wings in Phoenix
- Creative Minds
- Crown of Beauty
- Dancin' On Rainbows
- Dawn's Cottage Corner
- Dena E's Worshiping Jesus Christ Through Pictures
- DesertGrammy
- Diagonally parked in a parallel universe
- Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
- Dogmom Diva
- Don To Earth
- Dr. Bill's Book Bazaar
- dropping eaves...
- Encouragement for the Journey
- Encouragement is Contagious
- Everything to Me aka Puff's Pocket
- Extravagant Purse
- Faith Farmer
- Faith to Faith : Photography n more!
- Family Fountain
- Family, food &amp; Starbucks.
- Five Moms &amp; A Blog
- Free To Be Me-
- Friend of Israel
- From the ♥ of a Bookworm
- From This Side of the Pond
- Frugal Tumbleweed Acres
- funny little world
- Genre Reviews
- Girl in a Glass House
- Girly Muse
- Glorious Treats
- God Encounters
- God's Blog
- God's Little People Cat Rescue
- Gotta Have Faith!
- Grace Notes
- Grace Talk With Daveda
- Grammy Girlfriend
- Greg's General Store
- Hand In Hand
- Happiness
- have2havehumor
- He gave me a dream...
- He Is Crazy 4 U
- Heart 2 Heart
- Hearts Make Families
- Heavenly Humor
- heckety beck
- Higher Grounds
- Homesteader's Heart
- I am my Superhero
- I am the Clay
- I Choose Bliss
- I'm Living Out Loud!
- I've Become My Mother!
- in company with sparkles.
- In The Heart of the Home
- Jesus loves mums
- Jill Savage
- Journal for Women
- Joy Comes In The Morning
- Joy in the Journey
- Joyce Meyer Ministry Partners
- Just Another Reason to Eat Chocolate
- Just Be Real
- Just Breathe
- Just Me, Being Me
- Just Spotted
- Keep your eyes on the SON
- Keeping Up With the Joneses
- Kelly's Ideas
- Lady Liberty Patriot
- Lemonade Skies
- Life at my Kitchen Window
- Life Blessings
- Life Just Keeps Getting Weirder.
- Live. Love. Read. Repeat.
- Living in Egypt
- Love Is A Verb
- Luvmail Fairies
- Magoos Life Thru A Lens
- Marie's Home and Hobbies
- Matters of Grey
- Mayhem &amp; Miracles
- Me, My Book and the Couch
- Meet The World
- Migraine Mom
- Mimmy's Maniacal Moments
- Mom's Coffee Time
- my existence;
- my hands ... HIS GLORY
- My Heart is Always Home
- My Little Corner of the World
- My Yarn Tales
- Nellie Moser
- no botox allowed.
- No Ordinary Moments
- Off The Beaten Trek
- On Being....
- One Day At A Time
- Our Blessed Family
- Our journey of the Unknown
- Our Special Blend
- Pain to Purpose
- Parsley's Ponderings
- Patiently Waiting
- Pieces of Me...
- Pillars in her Father's House
- please elaborate;
- Prayers and Praises
- Public Secrets
- Raising Arrows
- Random Thoughts
- Reflections of my life
- Remote Gaming Reviews
- Rich Gifts
- Rich Gifts Blog Design and Graphics for Christian Ministry
- Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers
- Saved by Grace
- Scott's Page at SOSradio.net
- Scribbit | Motherhood in Alaska
- SeaGlass Reflections
- Seans Art
- Seasons Of My Mind
- Seawashed
- Seizing My Day
- SevEn cLoWn CirCuS
- Simply Divine Love
- Sit A Spell
- Somewhere in the Middle
- Splashin’ Glory
- Spontaneous Clapping
- Stella's Starshine
- stephtmomof3
- Story Power
- Such a Life As This....
- Such life in the tropics...
- Sweet Southern Journey
- Tales of Goldstone Wood
- Tammy's Sweet Life
- Tea With Tiffany
- Tell Us The Truth Reviews
- The 5016
- The Book of Joshua
- The Coming Evil Official Blog
- The Freedom of Truth
- The Journey Is Everything
- The Mountain Millers
- The Red Brick Farmhouse
- The Robin's Nest
- the secret life of an american wife and mom
- The Way of Impressions
- the wild raspberry
- This Blessed Nest
- This Day!
- This is my blog. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
- Thoughts from Meme's Corner
- Through The Storms of Life...
- Trusting Him With Today
- Truth 4 the Journey
- Videos By O
- We are never alone during this journey we call - Life
- Weight...What?
- What I Learned Today...
- wife.mom.nurse
- Wings of Angels
- Wrapped Up With Daveda
- Writing for the Lord
- WV Stitcher
- You Are His
- ~ Psalm 104:24 ~
- ~Luvin This Life~
- ~Where Memories Are Made~
- ღ faith hope love ღ
Gender | Female |
Occupation | SAHM |
Location | High Desert, CA, United States |
Introduction | This is my online ministry that God is using to bring about encouragement, hope and love to a hurting and dark world. I am hoping that all of you that find your way here will take something away that will add some meaning to your life! I personally feel it's a calling I have from God at this time in my life to reach out to people that are hurting and offer them hope in a dark world or at least give them a smile and laughter back! I am sold out, body, mind, spirit and soul to Jesus Christ! This blog is dedicated to God, The Great I AM, Alpha and Omega, Jesus Christ, my Savior! |
Interests | Quilting, homeschooling, church with my family, writing, photography, Bible study |
Favorite Movies | God's Not Dead, Save a Life, Old Fashioned, Facing the Giants, Courageous, The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry, Grace, Card, Son of God, The Bible Series, Left Behind series, Faith Like Potatoes, Monumental, The Identical, Grace Unplugged, Unconditional, Flywheel, Seven Days in Utopia, Home Run, The Book of Daniel, This is Our Time, Kings Faith, The Passion of the Christ, Ring the Bell, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Hobbit, The Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian, Unconditional, Season of Miracles, Standing Firm, Let God, Unstoppable, The Blind Side, The Woodcarver, Faith of our Fathers, Do You Believe?, The Perfect Summer, Last Ounce of Courage, The Christmas Candle, The Book of Esther |
Favorite Music | Casting Crowns, Third Day, Jeremy Camp, Phil Wickham, Toby Mac, LeCrae, Matthew West, The Fray, Newsboys, Casting Crowns, NeedtoBreathe, Mandisa, For King and Country, Chris Tomlin, Unspoken, Danny Gokey, Sidewalk Prophets, Jamie Grace, Building 429, Jeremy Camp, The Afters, Meredith Andrews, ! |
Favorite Books | Bible, anything written by John MacArthur, Charles Swindoll, James Dobson, Max Lucado, Frank Peretti, Greg Laurie, Stephen King, Andy Andrews, Ted Dekker, Bill Myers, Greg Mitchell, The Traveler's Gift, The Noticer, The Heart Mender, The Strange Man, Rooms, Eyewall |
Never mind the turtle. Don't you think you're sure to win?
It's all about finishing the race, and learning lessons along the way, not winning! Not everyone wins!