
My blogs

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About me

Gender Female
Introduction So...I think the fact that I started a blog about food, speaks to the sure fact that I am a FOODIE. I may not be the worlds best cook, by a long shot, but I am very passionate about food. Other than striving to be an amazing wife and mother, I wish to be a fantastic cook, and even I know that takes practice, practice, practice. Not to mention my obsession with movies about food, such as "Simply Irresistible", "Eat Pray Love", and my ultimate favorite "Julie & Julia". Yes, I was inspired to start a blog after watching Julie & Julia...but I promise this is my own homage to food and culinary journey. Im not going to cook my way through "Mastering the Art of French Cooking", not that I don't want to try Julia Childs recipes, but A) I have yet to purchase the two volumes and B) that wouldn't be very original now would it? I will start by cooking my way through my favorite cookbook right now .."Cook Like a Rock Star" by Anne Burrell, a recent Christmas gift from my husband (he knows how much I LOVE HER) and well..then we will see where I go from there!