My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Klara's Blog
- Limor Webber Designs DT Blog
- BlijftBezig
- Scrap&stamp
- #12 Grimmauld Place
- 'n hen Ddraig Benty (Old Dragon Cottage)
- 'The Ghost of Piccadilly' The Tales of Lord Byron and a Miniature House
- ** Petite Victorian Rose**
- *Jakdaws Attic*
- *Sprite*
- .
- . introverted art .
- 19th Day Miniatures Co-Creator Sherry's Art
- 19th Day Miniatures Works in Progress
- <center>Small and Stately</center>
- A Beautiful World
- A FAR PLACE OOAK dolls by Christel Hutson
- A Little More Minis
- A Miniature Place
- A page a day for a year
- a sprinkle of imagination
- About My Doll Houses
- Addams Family Mini-Mansion
- adrie,s poppenhuizen en miniaturen
- Afan Valley Miniatures
- Akelein
- Alicia en el País de las Miniaturas
- Altered Book Lover
- Anita's Wereldje
- Annelies en Margriet
- Another Cosy Cottage
- Apples Tea Rooms
- Aragog's Daglog
- Art and Sole
- Art Atelier Anne
- Art Eye Candy
- ART Journaling, Mixed Media &amp; Life Journey
- Art of Mini
- Artisans in Miniature
- Artists in Blogland
- As Happy As.......
- at-the-attic
- Atelier de Léa - Un Jour à la Campagne
- Basketcase Miniatures
- Bearcabinminiatures
- Beautiful Mini Blessings
- BellJar
- Belloower
- BiWuBearies on the Blog
- Bixxy's Blogspot
- Black Cat Cottage
- blackberritart miniatures
- blog
- Body Baker - dolls in creation!
- Bolusjes huis en honden
- Briarwood Miniatures
- Building Miniature dreams
- Burlap Luxe
- Call of the Small
- Carissa Paige
- Caroline McFarlane-Watts
- Carolyn's Little Kitchen
- Case di Bambola - Dollshouses
- Casey's Minis
- Celtic Juju
- Cinderella Moments
- collage journeys by Jane Davies
- Content in a Cottage
- Crazy4minis
- Creager Studios
- Creanne
- Blog
- Dale Fluty - Dollhouse Designs
- Danita Art
- Dans ma bulle
- Dark Squirrel's Miniature Asylum ~
- David Edwards Miniatures
- De Craftorij
- De krekel bij de haard
- Dees of Wine and Roses
- Der Pippibären-Blog
- diary of a miniaturist
- Die BiWuBären-Homepage
- Diny's Dollhouse
- Dirty Footprints Studio
- Dollhouse Miniature Furniture - Tutorials | 1 inch minis
- Dollhouse Diaries' Projects
- Dollhouse Mini's by Dfly Creations
- Dollshouse Daydreams
- E Makes Art
- E-beertje / E-bear
- Elga's Miniatures
- elly in amsterdam
- Elämää koossa 1:12
- En el pais de nunca jamas
- enaidsworld
- English Manor Dollhouse: 1/12 Miniature from Scratch
- ENVYDOLLS ~ OOAK Art Dolls, Busts and BJDs
- erickaV Miniatures
- Every Inchie Monday
- fabiano fausto miniaturas
- Fabulously Small
- Feathers of Winged Musings
- Feltmeup Designs
- Feythcrafts: Fantasy Craft and Recycled Art
- Finnabair
- Flor&amp;FF
- Folkje's freubels
- france papillon
- Friday Art Challenge
- Garden of Miniatures
- Geknipt
- Genevieve's miniacollection
- Gonda's mini world
- Gonda's miniature
- Greggs Miniature Imaginations- (Ever After Cottages)
- Gypsy Trading Company
- Hands and Heart
- Haunted House Online Party!
- Helin
- Het Juwelenboek
- Heverbell
- Il Cucchiaino Magico
- Illyria's Miniatures
- In the Court of the Gypsies
- It's a miniature life
- J
- Jeff's Miniatures
- Jennibellie Studio
- Jessica Sporn Designs
- Jody's miniwereld
- Julie Campbell Doll Artist
- Kai-Zen Doodles
- Kalona Creativity
- Karen's Tudor Dolls House
- Karin Caspar
- Karin Corbin Miniatures
- Kat Hazelton.......................... also known as Kat the hat lady
- Kat the Hat lady
- Kat-Hazelton-Millinery
- keetjespoppenhuisblog
- Kelirosh Studio
- Kevin Jackson Tudor Dolls Houses
- Kiva's Miniatures
- Kouvolan nukkekotiharrastajat
- Kwakken en Plakken
- la casa delle bambole di flora
- la casa rossa
- La petite Sofie
- la stanza di giuggiola
- Lainie's Little Things
- Latchkey and Jonquil
- Lavande House Miniatures
- le minis di Cockerina
- Le monde créatif de Catherine
- Leerwereld
- Les Carnets de l'Atelier Blondie
- Les Miniatures de Béatrice
- Liberty Biberty
- Lies Poppenhuizen
- Lilyelf miniatures
- Linden Rose Miniatures
- Lisa Kaus
- Lisa Lectura Creations
- Lisette`s miniaturen
- LISTENING TO THE SQUEAK INSIDE art by Kirstin McCulloch of LilliBean Designs
- Liten dröm
- Little Rabbit Miniatures
- looking glass miniatures
- lost and found
- Loten minikengät - Lotte's minishoes
- LugArt petit
- MadMouses
- Mags-nificent Miniatures
- maison Du Bonheur
- Make It Small
- make mine mini
- Malu´s Minis
- Marfolhuz miniatures
- Margriet's Miniatures
- Marieke Blokland's old blog
- marivigano
- marja poppenhuis
- marleen's miniaturen
- Marlies and minis
- Marta y Carla miniaturas
- Meine Kleinigkeiten
- Melissa's miniaturen
- melissa's miniatuur cross stitch
- MelyMel Piccoli sogni
- mi prrimera casita
- Michelle's Mad World
- Michelle's Mad World 2
- mijn droomwereldje
- Mijn handwerkjes
- Mimmi`s dollhouse
- Mindy Lacefield
- Mindy Max Miniatures
- mini amy
- Mini Escenas, Miniaturas by Eva Perendreu
- Mini Fantasy
- Mini Menagerie
- mini ramblings and musings
- Mini Tutes from Orr Lake
- Miniarche
- miniartworks - dollshouse miniatures
- Miniaturas Leo Furtado
- Miniature Chef - miniatures by Hanna Lindroth
- Miniature Dreams
- Miniature Miniatures - Nell Corkin
- Miniature Pets By Bridget McCarty
- Miniaturen
- Miniatures Forever
- Miniatures of a Different Sort?
- MiniEden
- minihobby
- Minimami
- MiniMumLoon
- MiniRivoli
- MiniShabby
- Minisonja
- Minnie Kitchen
- Miracle Chicken
- mis miniaturas
- Mis Minis
- Misty Mountains
- mitsib
- Mockingbird Hill Cottage
- Modern Dolls House
- Mondodifavola
- Monique's miniatures
- Moonlight Creations
- More Minis Dollhouses
- more-than-mini
- My Art Journal
- My little miniature world is a big amusement
- My Little Mouse Cottage
- My Owl Barn
- My Petit Parterre
- My Shabby Streamside Studio
- My Small Obsession
- My tiny world: Dollhouse miniatures
- My world on the table
- NancysPoppenhuis
- Natalia's Fine Needlework
- nataliegayleminiatures
- Needle Felted Art by Robin Joy Andreae
- Never Enough Time
- Norah'S
- Not A House For Dolls
- Nuestras MiniaturaS
- Nuestras MiniaturaS - ImprimibleS
- Oiseau deNim Miniatures
- On Being a Mini Mum......
- opruimen en bezuinigen
- blog
- Pan Pastel BNL
- Patricia Paul Studio
- Patrick Duclou Miniatures
- patrisan
- Paula's Dollyland
- Penny Lane Ink
- Peppercorn Minis
- Pequeñas cosas
- Pequeñeces
- Percy & Bloom / The Vintage Moth
- petit
- Petit Bonheur - Le Monde en miniature
- Petit Brocante - miniature shop
- Petit cabinet de curiosités
- Petite Properties Ltd
- PetitPlat Miniatures by Stephanie Kilgast
- pieplyts
- Pixie Dust Miniatures
- Plushpussycat
- Poppenhuis van Ineke
- Poppenhuiskladblogger
- PuNo's Minis 1:12
- Recréation miniature
- Ro Bruhn Art
- Rotting Roof
- Sabs Mini Interiors
- Saimba
- SamirasMinis
- Sarah Spindell
- Scrappassie Blog
- Shannon's mini blog
- Silke´s Miniatures
- Sirens Idyll
- Small Talk
- Snippets from my Studio
- So Dark So Cute
- Somerset House, A project
- Something Tiny
- Studio 48 Tango
- Studio Mastarre
- Svensk Saga
- Sylvia Miniatures
- Tabitha Corsica
- tags and other paperstuff
- Tattered Chick
- The Creative Place
- The Dollhouse Diaries: My Maharaja's Palace
- The Florist
- The French Mouse Mansion
- The Globetrotters
- The House of Holland Miniatures
- The Lupescu Family
- The Mag Rag
- The Mini Dragon Queen
- The Miniature Bazaar
- The Minimice
- The Painted Lady
- The Sunny Hours 1:12 miniatures
- The Travel Fairy
- The Tudor / Medieval / Jacobean / Queen Anne Dollhouse Project
- The White Porch Doll House
- The Whittaker's Miniatures
- The witch's cottage
- The Wright Stuff
- the-mice-manor
- The-Mouse-Mansion
- Three Muses
- Time With Tascha
- Tiny Ter Miniatures
- Tracey Fletcher King
- Trompke
- true2scale
- Truispoppenhuizen, elfjes en beertjes.
- Try it on Tuesday
- Tureluur
- Tweety Petie Products
- Vanilla Miniatures
- VictorianHall
- Vinweeda Magic
- Virrpanna Henrica
- Wasting Gold Paper
- Wee hours
- Welcome to Kat the hat lady's Blog Site
- WendiesMiniWorld
- Whimsical Owls and Other Mixed Media Art From the Heart by Juliette Crane
- Wilmatuurtjes
- Wizards and Wands
- Wonderful World
- Woolytales Miniatures
- ❤ Le monde merveilleux de Marie ❤
Gender | Female |
Location | Netherlands |