Wendy R.

About me

Gender Female
Location Southern California
Introduction I am Wendy. I am a recovering food addict. I am a 52 yr old LDS mom and grandma. I came to recovery 28 years ago through OA. My 12-step path eventually led me to our LDS Addiction Recovery Program 8 years ago at 260 pounds and in full blown relapse. I served as an ARP group leader for 5 years. My path has not been a "straight" one. I have had years of recovery with 100 pound weight losses muddled with relapses and weight gains in between. During one of those relapses in 2006 I thought, there MUST be help for someone like me in our church. I googled "LDS Food Addiction" and the very first hit was the church's ARP website with a meeting a half an hour way. I drove to that very first meeting in Long Beach and sat in a circle with LDS alcoholics who gave me a book and told me to keep coming back. Finally my recovery world and my church world had come together in a way I never imagined possible! Today I attend both OA and ARP and have a firm testimony that through Christ all things are possible!