My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Education
Occupation Adjunct Professor
Location Good old central, Pennsylvania, United States
Introduction Whether I shall turn out to be the heroine of my own life, these pages might show. To begin my life with the beginning of my life, I was born on a Tuesday. At what hour of clock, and whether the clock struck or not, I do not know. But enough of all the David Copperfield crap. . . What is there to say?
Interests Reading, writing, but not arithmetic, family, pets, church (PCUSA), good movies, politics, games & puzzles.
Favorite Movies The Lion in Winter, Shawshank Redemption, Little Miss Sunshine, Raising Ned Devine, Brideshead Revisited, I Claudius, Jewel in the Crown, Henry VIII & his wives, Elizabeth R
Favorite Music The Eagles, Classic Queen, CCR, Mozart, Beethoven, almost all pieces choral, Pictures at an Exhibition
Favorite Books Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Secret Life of Bees, Peace like a River, Paris Trout, Sacred Dust, The Inheritance of Loss, Gilead