Our Abby

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About me

Introduction TEAM ABBY'S mission is to provide comfort to long-term NICU families by providing Care Bags full of necessities and comfort items for their extended stay. Named after our daughter Abby, TEAM ABBY was what we dubbed our support system during our foray into NICU life. Abby was born by emergency c-section when a blood vessel in her umbilical cord ruptured, leaving her without oxygen. She received a new treatment called head cooling, which slowed her brain damage. Two months later, she came home with us-- sporting a NG tube to help with feeds, but otherwise doing very well. Thanks to her amazing doctors and nurses, her life was saved. And thanks to her team of angels (our friends, family, and community), so were ours. With your help, we can deliver Care Bags to families facing the unknowns of NICU life, enveloping them in the comfort and hope we strive to provide.