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Introduction | 11tg Gymnasium of Larissa is a public secondary school in a city area in the middle of Greece, in Larissa, Thessaly. Our city is very close to the famous mountain of the ancient Greek Gods, Olympus. Larissa is one of the 5 biggest cities in Greece. It is the commercial and cultural center of the region. Its growth is because of the fact that it is the regional commercial center. Moreover it is surrounded by the biggest valley in Greece and that’s why the city and the surrounding area has distinctive agricultural growth. Our school has about 150 students and 15 teachers. About 25% of the children are "roma". The rest of them are Greek and some immigrants originated from Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and former USSR. Our students are usually quiet and well behaving children. The school makes efforts to follow all the modern pedagogical methods and techniques for its students' education. Participates in 2 European projects (Comenius, e-twinning) and realizes panel discussions and various activities with the pupils and/or their parents. The school building, except the classrooms, includes a science laboratory, an IST room, a Comenius room and an office school vocational guidance. |