
About me

Location The Carolinas
Introduction I have been asked to write about my son, Colby. If you have a child with a disability, you may recognize parts of yourself here, & my words may help confirm that you're not alone in your feelings. If you've not had these same life challenges, perhaps this humble attempt will give a better understanding of our very special, unique life. Colby is now 24 years old. He was diagnosed during his first year with developmental delay & no specific syndrome that caused his challenges. He has been featured in genetics journals all over the world. He has received ongoing physical, occupational, & speech/communication therapy. He participated in an infant stimulation program and attended a special school for the multihandicapped beginning at age two. He is non-ambulatory & non-verbal, though he is able to express his wants and needs in his own special way. Colby's major medical issues include a seizure disorder (controlled grand mals & uncontrolled drop seizures), enlarged heart with mitral regurgitation and mitral valve prolapse, hypotonia and severe allergies. He is presently on five seizure medications, as well as several drugs for heart and allergies.