Bernice Njoroge

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Insurance Advisor at Upper East Financial Services
Location Charlotte, NC, United States
Introduction Hi! I am Bernice, randomly sharing my life, interests and musings. Welcome to my space. My goal is to share my journey and my experiences at running my business. In 2010, i made the decision to walk away from corporate America and start my own business. I felt a strong almost visceral calling to provide financial services to a smaller group of boutique clients. As you can tell by now I am a very emotional person and tend to act on my intuitions and figure out the hows later. I had no Idea on how to make my feelings a reality but I felt deep in my gut that I had to take a leap of faith. It has not been an easy journey. There have been may challenges, many triumphs and it has been totally worth it. I have had to learn things on the fly and If I could have a do over, I would have planned more and should have gotten into business a decade before I did. I am forever grateful to my loved ones who have been incredibly supportive and my ride or die love who has been with me from the very beginning and has taught me so much! Thank you for reading!
Interests I am passionate about business, fashion, food, natural products.
Favorite Books Half of a yellow sun