My blogs
Blogs I follow
Gender | Female |
Location | Marion, Ohio, United States |
Introduction | Hello and welcome to my A Musing Potpourri! I’m so happy that you stopped by. I’m La, well I wasn’t always. My parents named me Lori and I went by that name for 13 years, until my first nephew was born. He called me La-la and the name stuck. Now, I’m just La. Living in Marion, Ohio I’m a single mother of a wonderful and handsome young man. Destined to be a late bloomer, I didn’t go to college until I was 40. Since graduating, I earned a professional designation in Risk Management and work as a risk analyst in workers’ compensation. We’re all so busy these days; working full time, transporting kids to various activities, trying to keep up with daily chores, and making sure everyone is fed. We all need to find some time to rejuvenate, relax, and reflect on life’s adventures and misadventures. I hope you will join me as I take the bull by the horn and leap headlong into whatever life throws at me. |
Interests | family, cooking, traveling, exploring, photography |
Favorite Movies | Giant, Pride and Prejudice, The Blind Side |
Favorite Music | I like most anything; however I am not a big country fan. |