Cindy and Larry

About me

Introduction A long, long time ago, in a land far, far away, called Logan, two people met for the very first time at this evening event. We still follow this tradition today, and it has become one of our family’s most favorite past times together. That’s right FHE- Family Home Evening (not sure what that is? ask me!) And who were those two people? That’s right, Larry and Cindy. We have pretty much been inseparable after that. After many good times in Logan, and one broken down truck, it was time to move on. That’s pretty much what we have been doing ever since. We finished up our schooling in Ogden, then headed to the central coast of sunny California, where Larry has fulfilled his lifelong dream of becoming a Nursing Home Administrator. Following new opportunities we spent a couple years up in the majesic Sierra Nevada's. I stay busy at home with our three wonderful children. Home is now right in the heart of it all, the Central Valley. We have had many adventures over the years, and look forward to many more. We have had help from great family members, and have met some amazing people along the way. We Love You All!
Interests Basketball, soccer, tennis, wildlife, outdoors
Favorite Movies Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, Sabrina
Favorite Books The Wheel of Time, The Wednesday Letters

When you hesitate before hitting snooze on your alarm clock, are you being lazy?

Absolutely Not!!