tattooed teen librarian

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About me

Gender Female
Occupation Teen Librarian / Future Teacher
Location Madison, WI
Introduction "If a seed of a lettuce will not grow, we do not blame the lettuce. Instead, the fault lies with us for not having nourished the seed properly." - Buddhist proverb
Interests Libraries, books, writing, education, teens, & all of the above happily intertwined; yoga, animals (they don't call me the crazy cat lady for nothing) family, friends, & snarky smarts, music, art, & anything/everything irreverently (yet respectfully) offbea, ; random acts of kindness, quirky cahoots, & creativity, news of the weird, and yes, quality time in my beloved pajama pants...
Favorite Movies Depends on my mood -- so much So much easier to recall the stinkers & my attention span / ability to sit still much more suited to commercial-less TV on DVD. I do, however, always appreciate films make me think, laugh, cry, and coverse. And, honest too goodness psychological thrillers & the macho man movies I grew up watching remain ever welcome...
Favorite Music Anything and everything that moves me -- all genres, all styles, anything good...
Favorite Books You've got to be kidding me -- there's absolutely NO way to choose...

"How do you like them apples?" (from Good Will Hunting -- please, please tell me you've seen it).