
Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Industry Student
Location New Delhi, Delhi, India
Introduction So, me in a nutshell - I'm a fourteen year old girl from New Delhi, India. I have issues. I am deathly scared of psychopaths with axes, and I do think Santa Claus and Teletubbies are creepy. My dream is for a guy to stand below my balcony and sing "Check Yes Juliet" for me as loud as he can.

My favourite colour is pink. My favourite number is 26 (...also my birthdate. Coincidence?). My favourite TV shows are Heroes, Bones, Friends...I guess that's it =/ (There's a funny pattern in the names, isn't it?)I DO NOT watch shit like 90210, Gossip Girl or the OC. -_-

I have man feet. And I'm ugly too. But please try not to tell me that, I have issues with self esteem that I am trying to sort out right now.

There is not a single person in this world that knows everything about me. Or even most things about me. I guess I could say I'm like an iceberg -- 10% of me is above the water. Or maybe more than 10%. More like 40% =/


All social networking sites ARE THE ENEMY. Except ofcourse, my darling MuggleSpace. A site for Harry Potter geeks like me =D
Interests Me, Friends, Stuff, Pink, Being Hyper, Shiny things, Reading, Doing fun stuff on the computer, Squeeing, Ranting, Being Random, MuggleCast, Sleeping, Screaming, Laughing, Smiley faces...I'll put in more stuff if I can think of it *___*
Favorite Movies There are so many of them *_________* I guess if I had to pick it would be Enchanted and 27 Dresses
Favorite Music I have a very odd taste in music, I must admit. I like stuff ranging from We the Kings to U2 to Bullet for my Valentine to Billy Joel. I like most music, unless it's crap like hip-hop ):
Favorite Books Oh lordy. This is as bad as the movies and music thing. I'm not even going to try.

Your hand has been replaced by a rubber stamp. What does it say?

Uhhh... A HUUUGE heart with 'I LOVE YOU!' in huge capital letters. This would annoy 99% of the people I know, and I would have a great time stamping it all over their bodies *_* Plus, I'm a sucker for hearts =3