Laura M Clawson

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About me

Gender Female
Location Rancho Cordova, CA, United States
Introduction You can call me Laura. I'm a creative writer and an artist. I'm 20 and trying to start my life. I consider myself a book with few blank pages and insanity as my special language. I'm a liar to strangers and a story teller to friends. Those with the stupidity or luck to befriend me, know that I'm an anti-social bitch with a short temper. Very few really know me and those who think they do probably only know The Bold One or The Soft One but these two ladies are only small traits of my full personality. I live in a pool of my own self pity and hate myself more than most people on this Earth. I am a survivor of abuse and a refuser of theropy despite being begged to go. I have an unbiological sister who may possibly be credited for having kept me sane these last four years. I'm not as strong as I used to be (or pretended to be...) anymore but despite everything, I am still proud of the person I've become.
Interests Writing, Reading, Drawing, Relay for Life, Working out