
About me

Gender Female
Occupation uneployed
Links Audio Clip
Introduction I am 35 years old. I have been married for 14 years and have 2 lovely children. I started DIY from a young age with my mom. It started when I was about 9 or 10 , with doing school projects. My mom did not have very much money with raising me, so we would find things around the house to make. To me growing up it was just apart of our life and we did not call it DIY. Some things we did was making Indian head dress from beads , school project from pop cycles sticks, making a Halloween costumes out of boxes, and trash bags, decorating the front yard out old costumes, foam and old clothes. So I am now trying to pass this on to my kids. I enjoy making things with my mother and have a lot of great memories doing so. With been unemployed I have more time I can spend with my kids and hope to crate great memories with them that they will remember when they are my age.
Interests Hello my name is Sonya, I am a unemployed wife and mother. I am a big DIY person as it is cheaper when you can make it your self! If I can not make it I find a cheap alterative . I am making this channel to show you what I have learned, thing I have tried from other You Tubers. I like to do different looks with makeup, sewing clothing, and decorate. So if you like to do these things please subscribe to my channel. I would also love to hear from you on your DIY you have done and what you have seen on my channel.