Theda Black/Klaudia Bara

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About me

Gender Female
Introduction I'm a geek and a writer. Love comic books, classic movie monsters, movies about sexed-up campers pursued by mass murderers, never-ending love, old pulp fiction, science fiction, horror, porn, cowboys, cops, spaceships, implausible settings and good characterization.
As Theda Black, I write about men in love with men. I'm into edgy situations, intense relationships, passionate events and no safety nets. I explore the emotional and physical limits of my characters, particularly involving what they can and will endure for the sake of love. Often that involves darker storylines than normal.
As Klaudia Bara, I write alternative, dark, gothic, sensual horror. I don't shy away from sex and gore, but am more interested in getting into the character’s heads and seeing how much fortitude they've got, what makes them break and what makes them brave.
I have five novellas out: AFTER ANNA, follow-up TOUCH LIKE BREATHING, BENEATH THE NEON MOON, THE VAMPIRE's BOY, and WHAT I NEED. Currently working on RISING WOLF, the sequel to BtNM. I also have a three-story collection written as Klaudia Bara, entitled OF WOLVES AND WITCHES AND FIREBALLS IN THE SKY.
Interests writing, reading, photography, art
Favorite Movies MEGA SHARK VS. THE GIANT OCTOPUS (not really - Sharknado looks better). NEAR DARK is a good one. JUSTIFIED, THE HOUR, SPARTACUS, CALIFORNICATION, THE BORGIAS and SUPERNATURAL are favorite television shows.
Favorite Music generally speaking - whatever my husband dislikes
Favorite Books Still love Salem's Lot.