My blogs
Industry | Arts |
Occupation | Animation Director |
Location | Halifax, Canada |
Links | Audio Clip |
Introduction | When I was young, I could do all-nighters in my sleep. |
Interests | Muppets, Cartoons, Psychology, Physiology, Geology, Biology, Anthropology, Astronomy, Sociology, The 4th Dimension, 5th, 6th and 11th Dimensional Space, Parallel Universes, Quarks, Quarts, Quirks, Jerks, Event Horizons, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Fanatics, Quantum Fantastics, Quantum Germanics, Fabric Softener, Stool Softener, Fool Softener, Broadband Webery, Worm Holes in Redwood Trees, Cyber Space, Hyper Space, String Theory, String Bean Query, whatever and whichevery. |