My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Arts
Location Copenhagen, Denmark
Introduction 'Pataphysics, an absurdist concept coined by the French writer Alfred Jarry, is a philosophy dedicated to studying what lies beyond the realm of metaphysics. Defined as: "The science of imaginary solutions, which symbolically attributes the properties of objects, described by their virtuality, to their lineaments". SPACETWO : PATALAB has functioned in this spirit since 2005 as a dynamic, experimental visual / spatial research laboratory run by SAM RENSEIW. Laced with quotes and useful links, Patalab02 is a forum for subtle, intriguing, complex, enchantingly moving imagery experiments exploring body-space morphologies and other architectures. Enjoy! All posting are videos. Click on the image or the appropriate link in the text to enter. For a view of older videos, see the archive link.
Interests pataphysics, anything visual, virtual and real spaces, OuLiPo, conceptual art, performance, architecture, poetry, jl godard, vlogs, theater, film, film theory, video, poetry, litterature, philosophy, dance