Tiffany Snell

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Introduction Grays, Brothers & Sisters, The Office (sad Steve is leaving), The Middle, Modern Family, and General Hospital are some favorites of mine. I just finished reading the Angelina book and I have to say she is one crazzzy person. Chick has serious "daddy" issues. Guess I'm still upset about Brad and Jen. Big Jen fan!! I love love to go shopping. I get excited just going to the grocery store even though I feel I waist my money on food. I tend to have a shopping problem.. I love it way tooo much. When I know I can't afford something I'll go buy William a cheap toy to get my shopping fix. Yep.. I have a problem.
Interests I love pink. I would have a pink car if I could. I have 2 dogs Max and Abby. They were by world until William came along and now I do good to take them to the groomers once a month. Good thing they remind me to feed them. I love classic rock and Led Zep. is a favorite. I would give someone a kidney to see them live in concert before they get to old and die. I also love gaga, katy perry, usher, both Justins, and secretly wish NSYNC would come back!! Dirty Dancing is an all time favorite and I'm so excited Jen is on DWTS this season. I also watch The Nanny late at night while trying to get William to sleep. I hate her voice but I still watch it.