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About me

Gender Female
Occupation Charming away the brains of every guy lucky enough to cross my path
Location Columbus, Ohio, United States
Introduction Anything worth knowing about me I probably made up. My psychic abilities aren't always 100% reliable, but I am ever the True Colors Whisperer. I can discern what someone's really like within a minute no matter how they're acting. Getting people to believe me is another thing entirely. When I was in Junior High my nickname was Lolita, which I didn't really understand then, but now the movie theme is my favorite ringtone. I don't even like unscripted dialogue in real life so you can imagine what I think of reality television. Like Holden C. I'm quite illiterate, but I read alot. But I don't care much for poetry usually. It's always so inscrutable to me and I don't like feeling like a cretin reading the lines over and over and still being like, "Huh?" But if I'm reading a poem and I get it, then I like it. What I'm writing now doesn't feel very spiritually edifying, but it's what I'm inspired to write so who knows.
Interests Telling people that they're going to Hell if they don't quit selling drugs Also, I am interested in the real thing and the real thing only when it comes to God and Love.
Favorite Movies The Good Girl, Napoleon Dynamite (I AM the female ND), Sybil, Sideways, Sunset Boulevard, Diabolique, The Royal Tenenbaums, Barton Fink, What About Bob?, Satan's School for Girls, Mrs. Winterbourne, Autumn Leaves, Psyhomania, Fresh Horses, Lolita, Criminally Insane, The Slums of Beverly Hills, Ode to Billy Joe, The Apartment, The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane, Magic, Midnight Offerings, The Plumber, Imitation of Life, Summer of Fear, Mystery Train, The Dunwich Horror, Witchboard, Fargo, Gidget, Sisters, Sara T: Portrait of a Teenage Alcoholic(with almost all TV being so unwatchable now, it makes you long for the days when it made these kind of movies), Carnival of Souls, Mommie Dearest
Favorite Music The Dandy Warhols, The White Stripes, Syd Barrett, The Modern Lovers, Jonathan Richman, The Kinks, Green Day, Buddy Holly, The Everly Brothers, Elliott Smith, The Cowsills
Favorite Books Nest in a Falling Tree, The Bible, People of the Lie, The Stepford Wives, The 23 or so Jackie Collins books I've read, When Prophecy Fails, The Exorcist, The Purpose-Driven Life, Lovely Me, Wise Blood, Once Is Not Enough, The Beautiful&Damned, The Game of Life and How to Play It, Go Ask Alice, Ethan Frome, Hostage to the Devil, Lolita, Miss Lonelyhearts, Carrie, Class Reunion, Down A Dark Hall, Valley of the Dolls

You've written a hit musical! How will you avoid having fame go to your head?

I'll attend rehearsals every now and then and watch the "talent" letting it all go to their heads.