
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Location Hollister, CA, United States
Introduction Hi! Welcome to my blog! I'm new to the blogosphere and don't have a clue WHAT I'm doing. I hope you will excuse the mistakes I am very likely to make. The good news is, I'm a quick learner and shouldn't repeat a faux pas. I'm a wife; to a GREAT man! (we've been together 35+ yrs) I'm a mother; to 3 WONDERFUL daughters! (34, 28, & 25) I'm a grandmother; to 1 AWESOME grandson! I'm a daughter; I'm VERY fortunate to have both my parents I'm a sister; I have 2 sisters & 2 brothers. I am disabled with chronic back pain. It is the bane of my existence. Although it's not easy, I'm learning to live with it. A life of chronic pain is NOT something I would wish on my worst enemy. My husband is definitely earning kudos in Heaven for the way he takes care of me & our family. Over the years we have been through a lot! Sometimes it seems like NOTHING ever goes right. When something goes wrong we will often look at each other and say "UGH, Manthey's law!" Hence the title of my blog.
Interests FAMILY FIRST!, I LOVE books!, I'm an avid reader (newspapers & magazines too!), MOVIES is second only to reading (and yes, the book is ALWAYS better!), live theater (especially musicals), <3 country music, a true FOODIE (LOVE to eat, but hate cooking!), and I love my guys in orange & black; GO SF GIANTS!
Favorite Movies Way TOO MANY to even start a list!
Favorite Music country, classic rock, pop, R&B, I can listen to just about anything but opera. ICK! just can't get into it!
Favorite Books "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein and too may others to list!