Cyprian Consiglio

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About me

Industry Religion
Location United States
Introduction ... is a Camaldolese monk, musician and teacher. After his initial 10 years of formation with his community in Big Sur, he resided near Santa Cruz, California for another ten years. During that period he traveled extensively internationally, performing concerts, teaching and leading retreats. Musically he is a singer, a guitarist, a composer, recording artist and producer. Most of his music and his teaching revolve around the Universal Call to Contemplation and Universal Wisdom as taught by Bede Griffiths, an English monk who spent the second half of his life in India helping to establish a Hindu-Christian ashram, Saccidananda Ashram, Shantivanam. Just as Fr Bede and his predecessors sought to be bridges between the world's great religious traditions, Cyprian, through his retreat and teaching work and through his music hopes to foster contemplative experiences through the music, meditation, and the study of sacred texts from many different traditions. He currently lives back with his community at New Camaldoli Hermitage in Big Sur.