Holistic Moms Network, Arlington/Alexandria

My blogs

About me

Introduction The Holistic Moms Network (HMN) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit support and resource organization connecting parents who are interested in holistic health and green living. HMN was founded in 2003 by a handful of moms yearning for the support and friendship of others parenting outside the mainstream. Today - thanks to the ever-increasing popularity of alternative medicine and a growing environmental consciousness - HMN has over 120 chapters across the U.S. and Canada. Through ongoing media campaigns, HMN is informing thousands of people about the benefits of holistic health and green living. HMN represents the growing demographic of holistic-minded parents who are questioning conventional wisdom in the areas of birthing, child-rearing, healthcare, nutrition and wellness, education, personal relationships, and our society's views about the natural world. In the face of mounting global and environmental problems, holistic parents strive to give their children the love, support, and information they need to become informed, compassionate, and healthy children who can live in balance with their world. For more information, see http://www.holisticmoms.org
Interests attachment parenting, extended breastfeeding, babywearing, birth choice, vaccine choice, nutrition, cloth diapering, holistic health and wellness, alternative medicine, alternative health, alternative schooling, green living, eco-friendly choices, healing, mind/body/spirit connection, positive discipline, nonviolent communication, responsible consumerism