
My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Occupation Intelligentsia
Introduction If you don't know who I am by now, you need to run a search on the net, and explain how you got here.
Interests Technology, Cult-Classic Cinema, Video Games, Novels, (comic or otherwise), Neo-pedestrianism, Strange Styles and Accessories, Anime, and anything else that is remotely considered to be in the realm of oddities, esotericism, or intellectual pursuits.
Favorite Movies Max Headroom, Star Trek, Malcolm in the Middle, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, FLCL The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Sonic SatAM, Lost, The Fly, Alien series, The Thing, They Live, The Changeling, OLD Star Wars, Donnie Darko, Grave of the Fire Flies, Howls Moving Castle, The Boondocks, The Venture Bros., Sealab 2021, MASH, Duck Tales, Pixar's Work, Shaun of the Dead, HOT FUZZ!, Jurassic Park, First Contact, Dune, The Fifth Element, AI, Futurama, South Park, Outer Limits, The Wonder Years, The Princess Bride, Monster Rancher, Family Guy, The Matrix (only number 1), Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Good the Bad the Ugly, Predator 2, Kill Bill, X-Files, The Day the Earth Stood Still, War of the Worlds, Back to the Future, The Never Ending Story, Dark Crystal, Ghost Busters, Titus, King of the Hill, Mission Hill, The Oblongs, Jumanji, Moscow on the Hudson, Furn Gully, Wind in the Willows, Watership Down, Pen and Teller's Bullshit, Beast Wars, Reboot...
Favorite Music My main forte in music is Classic Rock, but I enjoy all genres, in one form or another.
Favorite Books The works of C.S. Lewis, Mary Shelly, Jonathan Swift, Orson Scott Card, Alan Moore, John Steinbeck, Upton Sinclair, Niel Gaiman, H.P. Lovecraft, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jeff Smith, Walter Wangerin Jr., Harlan Ellison, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Mark Twain, Leo Tolstoy, Franz Kafka, Rohl Dowl

The children are waiting! Please tell them the story about the bald frog with the wig:

*SIGH* There once was a bald frog with a wig. It was a curiosity of nature that fascinated every human ever born, until it's home was bulldozed for human construction and the frog was crushed and killed. The moral of the story? Humans have to live somewhere, so try not to get attached to endangered species.