
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Male
Industry Engineering
Occupation Retired
Location Foot of the Blue Ridge Mts.
Introduction I recommend viewing this blog from oldest to newest since it is intended to become a book. Also, I am interested in meeting and working with people who are interested in making a quieter, safer, cleaner, greener, faster, and less expensive, transit system become a reality.
Interests science, technology, disc golf
Favorite Movies 2001, The Hudsucker Proxy, Star Wars, The Great Escape, and too many more to mention
Favorite Music Rossini, Mozart, Orff, Blue Man Group, Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead
Favorite Books One Day In the Life of Ivan Denisovitch, Benjamin Franklins Autobiography, A Brief History of Time, Origin of Species, The Holy Bible, The Baghavad Gita, The Koran and almost any sci-fi

If capitalists are correct that the pursuit of wealth and material goods is the purpose of life and the best measure of a person is by how much they have accumulated or control, does it leave any room for altruism?