My blogs
- Weaseling Around
- College, Theoretically
- Anser Arms
- Opossum Labs
- Drunken Robot Engineering
- Daily Steves
- Steve Reviews the News
- UVaStories
Gender | Male |
Industry | Technology |
Occupation | Code monkey |
Location | Richmond, Virginia, United States |
Interests | running, making stuff, pythons (the species, not the language) |
Favorite Music | All genres but not all bands. It largely depends on what I'm doing at the time. If I'm coding, generally rock or nerdcore, if I'm running, pop music, if I'm working with my hands, usually oldies. |
Favorite Books | Tolkien, The Graveyard Book, Ender's Game, The Little Prince, American Gods, Old Man and the Sea, The Devil and Daniel Webster, For Esme-With Love and Squalor, ASoIaF, Beowulf, Party of One: The Loners' Manifesto, Access All Areas: A User's Guide to the Art of Urban Exploration |
The hair from your last haircut ... what would it say about your new style?
Last time I got a haircut was 2000.