Sally HP
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- 101 Cookbooks
- A Slice of Wife
- Always Home and Uncool.
- Baby on Bored
- Chicky Chicky Baby
- Desperately Seeking Sherri
- Formula Fed and Flexible Parenting
- From Dates to Diapers and Beyond
- jennsylvania
- Jimmy Beans Wool Blog
- Lion Brand Notebook
- New England Mamas
- Pens and Needles
- Recycled*Love*Letters
- Selective Potential
- That Girl . . .
- That Girl Cooks
- The Quattrin Family
- What geeks eat...
- Wutzke Family
- Your Math is Showing
Gender | Female |
Location | Walla Walla, Washington, United States |
Interests | Running, Cooking and baking, knitting, Getting Pedicures with girlfriends, Drinking good Coffee and even better Red Wine, All things DIY and Home Crafting, Going to the Picture Show, reading, watching Sex and the City. Oh yeah, and spending time with J and helping my babes grow to be the best men they can. |
Favorite Movies | I'm big into documentaries because I'm a true social history nerd, but I also love me a classic chick flick or a thriller. I'm the biggest scaredy-cat, but love the feeling that I'm going to lose bodily function control because I'm so scared..."Hello, Clarice." |