My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Introduction I am starting this website for our growing family that we have. Steve and I have been together for about 5 years now. We have a beautiful daughter named Ryann Ashlee Noble who is just over 3 years old. She is such a big girl now growing way to fast. Steve and I just had a beautiful wedding on June 12, 2009. We then took a Honeymoon right after that to St. Thomas Island it was so nice to get away from all the hussel and bussel we have been having. We are now trying again to have our second baby and looking forward to see what God has in store for us now.
Interests I enjoy being with my friends and family. Between work, Ryann, and Steve that all keeps me very busy. Ryann is growing up so I love just being with her and doing whatever she likes to do. She loves to be outside playing. So we are usually outside playing in the dirt and water. Oh and playing and finding bugs are her favorite. She loves to dance so her and I love to have dance parties in the living room. Steve and I work so much that anytime we can spend as a family we take advantage of and spend it all together.