Essential Oneness

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About me

Introduction Alex Warden is the founder of Essential Oneness. She is a mystic, who since 1985 has been sharing with groups and individuals the knowing of the infinite unity and relatedness of life through her work in the fields of spirituality, education, dream study, women's wisdom, and energy dynamics. She is an international speaker, an educator, and a spiritual counselor. To learn more about Alex, please read her bio.
Interests The Mission of Essential Oneness is to foster a consciousness of the fundamental unity of all things and the awareness of the unbroken link, or golden thread, that exists between the One Essence and Its infinite ways of expression, Its creation. Essential Oneness is about the development of a relational consciousness that builds natural bridges of understanding among different people, traditions, ideas, and faiths and empower individuals to live an integrated life ensouled with meaning. Perceiving the essential oneness that exists among all things nourishes the world's hunger for meaning and gives birth to a new sense of living and belonging.