Sashie VII

About me

Gender Male
Location Bangi, Selangor
Interests Humaira, chess, reading, photography, music, debates, tennis, creative writing, language study, travel, rocks, PC games. Did I mention chess?
Favorite Movies Too many to list.
Favorite Music I do not limit myself to specific genres.
Favorite Books Raymond E. Feist's books on Midkemia! Potter series, James Clavell, Terry Brooks, Tom Clancy. A wide range of chess books, including Chess Fundamentals (J.R. Capablanca), Judgement And Planning In Chess (M. Euwe), How Not To Play Chess (E. Znosko-Borovsky) and The Art of Attack In Chess.

You're wearing a sweater that stretches down to your feet. What color belt do you put on?

Why am I wearing a sweater that big?