Natasha Nicole

My blogs

About me

Introduction After a fairly comfortable 28 years, life began handing, well throwing, me lemons. I do enjoy some lemon in my water, but that's where it ends. I don't squeeze them over my seafood, or put them in foil with my vegetables on the grill. I have no real use for them and never planned on having so many. Despite this, they kept coming. One after the other... Weighing me down. So, I tried to figure out how to sweeten the lemons, but they were in season and sugar wasn't. They were sour. So sour my eyes watered. I was carrying them alone and had no clue what to do with them or how to get rid of them. It took a while to accept that I couldn't rid myself of life's lemons. I had to learn that I could make lemonade. (Totally cliche, and, as a writer, I wish I had a better analogy. But it is what it is... The truth). At 34, I realized that some days I would drink lemonade and some days I would be given lemons to make it.
Interests I write (this blog and a book to be released this year), I'm a mommy [to 6 year old Ethan Michael], I'm a high school teacher (passionate about it, but underpaid, so I also wait tables when Ethan is with his dad), I love to read, I also love to travel, I grow spiritually every day, I practice yoga (and patience), food is orgasmic (no meat though), I try to date in between all that (not high on the priority list), I instagram @natashamckenzie01
Favorite Books Their Eyes Were Watching God, Eat Pray Love, Black Privilege, Mama, Black Boy, No Disrespect, The Alchemist