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Introduction The first Zone Trips were started by the San Francisco Cacophony Society. “Zone Trip #4 - Bad Day at Black Rock” was the most famous of these. This is when the Burning Man first came to the Black Rock Desert. That was 1990. The Zone Trip idea came from a 1979 Russian movie by Andrei Tarkovsky called, “Stalker.” Its context was a place called “The Zone” that was fenced off from the rest of the world and entry was forbidden. Even the police and the military were afraid to go into the Zone. In 1985 anarchist author Hakim Bey wrote an essay called, “The Temporary Autonomous Zone.” The premise for the TAZ is that all of the land on earth is under the jurisdiction of governments who make rules, tax, and monitor the people on that land. There is nowhere people can go to be truly free to create an experimental society for any length of time. Bey’s idea was to create areas of freedom for short periods of time beneath the radar of the government entities that hold jurisdiction. Lately there has been a renewal of interest. Zones are beginning to pop up all over.