me jeff b

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Communications or Media
Occupation Graphic Designer
Location Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Introduction I think too much but rarely say it...because i already did...but in my head...weren't you there?
Interests design, kayaking, raft guiding, snow skiing, recreational darwinism(see previous 3), scheming, DIY philosophy, playing with me dog, loathing khaki pants, being miffed at most all politicians, keeping my inner city and country mouse from beating each other up, Georgia Tech football and basketball, contradicting myself, a good microbrew or vino, running up the stairs, tripping on said stairs, drawing, moving to the beat, searching for my car keys, conceptual art, breathing, old rusty forgotten places, procrastinating, indie and foreign movies, Akzidenz Grotesk, despising Gil Sans, hiking, getting dirty, long showers, laying in the grass, green living, tinkering, people watching in crowded places, music, wasting your time, sports(spectator and playing them), playing with fire, running with scissors, debating the 3 "no-no" subjects which is much like doing the previous two, making you yawn, daydreaming, daydoing
Favorite Movies To Kill A Mockingbird, The Graduate, Donnie Darko, Raising Arizona, Ghostdog, all things Wes Anderson, Oldboy, Down By Law, Waking Life, True Romance, Baraka, Dr Zhivago, The Big Lebowski, Children of Men, City of God, Bladerunner, Empire of the Sun, Delicatessen, Office Space, Better Off Dead, Me and You and Everyone We Know
Favorite Music Perennial Favorites: Uncle Tupelo(as well as the results of the breakup), Bowie, Thievery Corp, My Morning Jacket, Radiohead, Nick Drake, Kings of Convenience, Animal Collective, Interpol, The Shins, Grandaddy, Neko Case, Califone, The Postal Service, any Mark Kozelek project, The National, Mos Def, Daedelus, MF DOOM!, Sufjan Stevens, Deerhoof, Flaming Lips, Zero 7, Johnny Cash, Boards of Canada, Explosions in the Sky, Sigur Ros, Andrew Bird, TV On the Radio, Arcade Fire, early REM, Townes Van Zandt. Other favorite sounds include distant thunder and rain on a tin roof, the train tracks off Dekalb Ave., Bull Sluice Rapid at high water, complete silence at 6 in the morning after a fresh snowfall, banjos and mandolins cutting through a cool summer night.
Favorite Books The Fountainhead, Winesburg, Ohio, Rilke, The Alchemist, Vonnegut, Orbiting the Giant Hairball, Better Off, Richard Scarry, The Last American Man, Pure Drivel, Life of Pi, The Cheese Monkeys, Nick Hornby, On the Road, An Eames Primer, The Dune Trilogy, LOTR, Twain, C.S. Lewis, A Confederacy of Dunces, Malcom Gladwell, Dave Eggers. Anything that can set my mind on a journey that lasts beyond the closing of the book. Literature, books on design and art theory, with a bit of mindless fiction sprinkled here and there.