Messrs Ladybird

My blogs

About me

Location South-East, United Kingdom
Interests Writing, music, games, literature, philosophy, sport, lasagne
Favorite Movies Lost in Translation, Clerks, The Life Aquatic, Pan's Labyrinth, Grosse Pointe Blank, 500 Days of Summer, The Usual Suspects, Toy Story, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Favorite Music Radiohead, Joy Division, The Smiths, Arcade Fire, Interpol, Les Savy Fav, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Queens of the Stone Age, The xx, Sigur Ros, Blur, Mumford and Sons, Jimi Hendrix, Friendly Fires, We Are Scientists, Ratm, My Tiger My Timing, Fleetwood Mac
Favorite Books Vernon God Little, Lolita, The Road, American Gods, The Kite Runner, Giovanni's Room, The Body Artist