My blogs
Introduction | As a life coach and business consultant my work is to help you find your answers, your clarity, your voice, and your power, each in your own way. Michelangelo once said that every block of stone has a sculpture inside it. It’s simply the sculptor’s task to uncover it. Combining a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology, an apprenticeship with a Ute medicine elder, and my professional experience successfully managing my own businesses, I will help you to awaken spiritually, find your purpose, walk with mindfulness, and perform your work more meaningfully in the world. My coaching style reflects the way I have lived my life—questioning deeply. I will supply you with techniques to help you look inward, into your own innate knowing, so that you begin living with more trust and less fear. This practice is about finding your innermost self, cultivating a healthy balance of mind, body and spirit, becoming more disciplined, and taking your next steps in the world. |