
My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Telecommunications
Occupation blogger
Location medium sized city, Eastern Blue state, United States
Introduction Divorced father of school-aged kids. Retired from entertainment career which allowed much time to pursue myriad interests. Now work behind a desk.
Interests Current events, American and world history, Science and technology, real literature, education, social trends.
Favorite Movies Shane, almost any John Wayne flick, most any with Jessica Alba or Biehl.
Favorite Music Big Band before its dotage in the 1970s. Attended performance of Giants Ellington, Basie and others. Real Rock from its maturity in the 80s like Clapton, Springsteen, Robert Palmer
Favorite Books Since 2006 America Alone, The Looming Tower, currently reading How the Scots Invented the Modern World

Come up with some possible band names for your group that features a washboard and a styrofoam tuba.

Galutes in Cahoots