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About me

Gender Female
Location Colorado, United States
Introduction Find my Etsy Shop, social media, and sign up for my mailing list! I am an Etsy store that is physically located in the Rocky Mountain wilderness. Hubby started playing D&D back in the early days with the little white box with the three books. I began playing shortly after that. I couldn't imagine a better job than bringing you the finest gaming supplies and out-of-print Role Playing games, so here I am. I have been in business since 1997 and am committed to the gaming industry. I specialize in older out-of-print items and unusual dice. I live on eighty acres of the most wonderful land in Colorado (of course I admit to being a bit biased), so occasionally I need to dig an irrigation ditch or return visiting livestock to their proper location and rebuild the fence so that they stay there. These tasks just can't be left to our Guard Orks. They're just so unreliable. The last time they were entrusted to return the neighbor's cattle they ended up eating them all. The cattle. Not the neighbors. It was two weeks before we saw them again! Most orders will be shipped within 24 hours, Sunday excluded, but sometimes life happens.