Resurrected Siren

About me

Introduction I'm Resurrected Siren and you've reached my blog diary. This is my voice, a place where I can express random thoughts, opinions, poetry and more in a cathartic and anonymous process. I'm not expecting anyone to read this as the world seems to be an increasingly isolating place. If a couple of like minded people find this and benefit from it in some small way, that would be fantastic, but hey... no expectations guarantees success. :p Oh did I mention I'm sarcastic and oozing with dark humor. If I say something shocking, it's probably dark humor. A few more things about me... I'm a deeply caring person who strives to be compassionate and accepting of others. I don't deal in isms or phobias (racism, sexism, classism, ageism, homophobia etc.) That's probably sufficient since I am expecting one reader to read my writing... me.
Interests Music, People, Reading, Learning, Loving, Writing, Surviving, Healing, Laughing