New Image University

My blogs

About me

Introduction Hello! My name is Toia. Like many of you, I wear many hats. Sometimes, I may not know if I am coming or going half the time. But, one thing I know for sure is that I love to encourage, motivate, and inspire others to be the best version of themselves, to go after their dreams while thinking of innovative ways on how to do that, to help people see the cup half-full instead half empty, to know who they are so that they will begin to realize they don't have to take any crap (pardon the french) from anyone, and mainly to love life and enjoy every minute of it. Another thing about me is that I love to make jewelry, crochet, sing, listen to music, dance when no one is looking, and reading books. I am about living out loud, loving me, and not worrying about things I cannot change. For this, I make no apologies. YOLO!! (I just couldn't resist.) :)