My Ramblings

About me

Introduction A mother who on a regular day, likes to cook atleast one fresh meal from scratch, sees Bambi, Lion King or the like, draws, colours, reads, plays, sings and dances with her two year old, goes for walks by the river and overall thinks life is beautiful, spare those moments when she thinks she is surely not mother-material. But what exactly is mother-material is what she is looking to find answers for... Almost a year down the line: A mother of a soon to be three year old. Am trying to get back to the big harsh world after inhabiting the snug coziness and comfort of our home for a long time. Have been between several continents, and relatively more busy trying to juggle being a mother while at the same time trying to secure a foothold in the academia. So sometimes snappy, sometimes happy..never the same!!
Favorite Movies Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi